Sound Zen - Atelier de soundscaping și soundfulness

Sound Zen @ Artizen - Somes 2021 

Atelier de soundscaping și soundfulness în Parcul Feroviarilor
Sâmbătă, 13 august, de la ora 11

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”Când asculți cu atenție peisajul sonor, poate fi cu adevărat miraculos.” R. Murray Schafer*

Peace of sound art created entirely out of a field recording containing sounds of walking, whispers, the wind, a Tibetan Bowl and some more ambiental sounds of the CFR Park Cluj and by applying a few audio effects.
Created by Zsolt @

Explorăm împreună și conștientizăm într-o manieră meditativă, la un ritm mai lent decât suntem obișnuiți, PEISAJUL SONOR al Parcului Feroviarilor, căutând sunetele tipice ale și zonele lui de liniște. Minimizăm percepția vizuală și ne focalizăm doar pe ce auzim, pe mediul acustic.

Ne adâncim într-o MARE DE SUNETE care ne înconjoară zi de zi dar de care în mod “normal” nu suntem conștienți. Identificăm sunetele cheie, căutăm sunetele arhetipice sau descifrăm simbolismul sunetelor pe care le întâlnim de-a lungul plimbării.

În afară de instrucțiunile verbale oferite ocazional și de semnalele sonore care vor anunța etapele plimbării, vom căuta să păstrăm LINIȘTEA, ascultând doar ce ne povestește parcul și orașul.

Participanții sunt încurajați să facă ÎNREGISTRĂRI AUDIO, sau să ia notițe și să deseneze o hartă fonică a parcului. Din înregistrările făcute putem crea ulterior, individual sau împreună, un material audio (podcast, performance audio și/sau cărți poștale audio, sound souvenirs, etc).

Ca parte a plimbării, participanții pot oferi coechipierilor CADOURI SONORE, nu mai lungi de 3 minute: un cântec, o poezie, un moment de interpretare la un instrument muzical etc. 

Ne vedem sâmbătă, 13 august, dimineața la ora 11, la intrarea in Parcul Feroviarilor dinspre strada Mărășești.

*Raymond Murray Schafer este un compositor și scriitor canadian cunoscut pentru The World Soundscape Project, activismul lui în domeniul ecologiei acustice, și cartea intitulată PEISAJUL SONOR / The Soundscape - The Tuning of the World (1977).

Atelier facilitat de Zsolt de la 

LINKURI recomandate:

- Listen (6 min, video)
- The Soundscape (10 min, video)
- Soundwalk wiki:
- World Forum for Acoustic Ecology:
- World Listening Project:

- Hildegard Westerkamp's writings:



Sound Zen @ Artizen - Somes 2021

Soundscaping és soundfulness műhely a Vasutasok Parkjában

Augusztus 13-án, szombaton, délelőtt 11-től

Amikor figyelmesen hallgatjuk a hangtájat, az valóban csodálatos.” R. Murray Schafer*

Együtt felfedezzük és tudatosítjuk a Vasutasok Parkjának HANGTÁJÁT (soundscape/peisaj sonor), meditatív módon, lassabb ritmusban, mint amihez szokva nagyunk; azonosítjuk a parkra legjellemzőbb hangokat, valamint a legcsendesebb pontjait. Felfedező utunkon a látásról a hallásra és hallgatásra helyezzük át a hangsúlyt, és csak arra koncentrálunk, amit hallunk, vagyis az akusztikus környezetünkre.

Egy olyan HANG-ÓCEÁNBA merülünk így bele, amely mindennap körbevesz minket, de amelyet “normal üzemmódban” nem tudatosítunk magunkban. Beazonosítjuk a kulcsfontosságú hangjelenségeket, esetleg megkeressük az archetipikus hangokat és megfejtjük a szimbólikus jelentését mindazoknak a hangoknak, amelyekkel sétánk során találkozunk.

Az időnkénti verbális instrukciókat és a séta fordulópontjait jelző hangjelzéseket kivéve a műhely teljes CSENDBEN zajlik, és csak arra figyelünk, amit a város és a park mesél a hangjain keresztül.

A résztvevőket arra bátorítjuk, hogy HANGFELVÉTELEKET készítsenek, vagy jegyzeteljenek, esetleg rajzolják le a park hang(tér)képét. A hangfelvételekből utólag együtt vagy külön-külön megosztható hanganyagokat készíthetünk (podcast, audio-performansz, hang-képeslapok, hang-szuvenír, stb).

A seta részeként, egy adott ponton, a résztvevők rövid (max. 3 percnyi) HANG-AJÁNDÉKOKAT ajánlhatnak fel a csoportnak: ez lehet ének, vers, hangszeres előadás, stb.

Találkozunk szombaton, aug. 13-án délelőtt 11 órakor a Vasutasok Parkjának a Mărășești utca felőli bejáratánál.

*Raymond Murray 
Schafer kanadai zeneszerző, író, aki az akusztikus ökológia területén végzett aktivizmusáról és A VILÁG HANGTÁJAI PROJEKT (The World Soundscape Project) kapcsán vált ismertté. 

A műhelyt Sütő Zsolt vezeti . 

AJÁNLOTT linkek:

- Listen (6 perc, videó)
- The Soundscape (10 perc, videó)
- Soundwalk wiki:
- World Forum for Acoustic Ecology:
- World Listening Project:

- Hildegard Westerkamp's writings:



Sound Zen @ Artizen - Somes 2021

Soundscaping and soundfulness workshop in the CFR Park CLUJ (Parcul Feroviarilor)

Saturday, August the 13th , 11 am.

"When you listen carefully to the soundscape it becomes quite miraculous." R. Murray Schafer*

We will explore together the SOUNDSCAPE of the CFR Park in Cluj, in a conscious and meditative way, at a slower pace than we’re used to in our daily lives, looking for its typical sounds and its most silent spots. We’ll minimize our sight and will focus on what we hear, on our acoustic environment.

We’ll dive in a SEA OF SOUNDS that surrounds us all the time but we’re not conscious of in our “default” state of mind. We will identify the keynotes of the Park, maybe even the archetypical sounds and we will try to decipher the symbolism behind the sound phenomena that we’ll meet while walking.

Besides the occasional verbal instructions and some sound signals provided by the facilitator of the workshop we will keep the SILENCE as much as possible and listening to the stories that the park and the city will be telling us.

The participants are encouraged to make SOUND RECORDINGS, to take notes or to draw a soundmap of the Park. Later, individually or together, we can use these recordings to create a podcast, an audio performance and/or audio postcards, sound souvenirs, etc).

As part of the soundwalk at some point participants can offer SOUND GIFTS to the group: a song, a poem, some play on a musical instrument, etc (no longer than 3 min/gift).

See you on August the 13th, at 11 am, in the CFR Park in Cluj, at the entrance from the Mărășești street.

*Raymond Murray Schafer is a Canadian composer and writer known for The World Soundscape Project, his work in the field of acoustic ecology and his book called The Soundscape - The Tuning of the World (1977).

Workshop facilitated by Zsolt Sütő – more about me at


- Listen (6 min, video)
- The Soundscape (10 min, video)
- Soundwalk wiki:
- World Forum for Acoustic Ecology:
- World Listening Project:

- Hildegard Westerkamp's writings:

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